-- Alpine Diversity:
Adapted to the Peaks -- July 31-August 5, 2004 -- Snowbird Resort
-- Salt Lake City -- Utah--
Local Tour InformationSeveral local tours of the unique Salt Lake City area have been planned to enhance the conference program. Tour fees include transportation and lunch as indicated. Ticket prices are the same for adults and children. Tours require a minimum number of participants. All tours will depart from the lobby of the Cliff Lodge. Please read the Refund and Cancellation Policy. Companion tours are ticketed events; tickets may be purchased while registering in advance and will be included in the registration packet. On-site registration may not be available.
Salt Lake City has a lot to offer the summer visitor. Tour the Red Butte Garden, Listen to the Mormon Tabernacle Choir and enjoy lunch at a French style Chateau, Go for a Hot-Air Balloon ride over the mountains, Tour the Olympic Sports Parks and visit the Great Salt Lake and the Kennecot Copper Mine.......
Questions about the Meeting program should be directed to
BSA Meetings Manager:
Johanne Stogran
Botanical Society of America Meetings Office
2813 Blossom Ave
Columbus, OH 43231
Tele: (614) 899-9356
Fax: (614) 895-7866
E-mail: johanne@botany.org
Or Contact the Program
Or the Conference Plannning